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> Rates and Regulations
Rates and Regulations
As a customer to Electricité de Zahlé, you have the right to obtain information about the rates you are charged and the different regulations that manage the services available to you.
Note that all the charges and rules applied by EDZ are regulated by the Lebanese Ministry of Power.
Rates Information
EDZ tariffs structures depend on the voltage level, whether low voltage i.e. 220 V or medium voltage i.e. 15 KV, you are supplied and on your subscription usage type, whether residential, industrial, agricultural, etc… as well.
To view all tariffs information click on the appropriate link you choose below. Please note that the files are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Electricity Tariff Structure
PDF (23 KB)
Service Disconnection
EDZ is entitled to disconnect electric service for the reason of failure to pay the bill by the date of the disconnection. However, EDZ is required to give proper written notice before disconnecting. And the notice should be delivered at least 48 hours before the date EDZ plans to disconnect.
Service may be disconnected without notice in the following situations:
Cases involving fraud, by tampering or bypassing EDZ meter.
When service has already been disconnected for nonpayment and an unauthorized reconnection is made.
When an unauthorized connection is made by a person that is not a customer to EDZ.
Theft Regulations
Below you can view a copy of act Number 623, issued by the Lebanese government and dated May 1st, 1997, that states the rules applied under violation of electric power. Please note that the file is only available in an Arabic version and is in the Portable Document Format (PDF) and requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Theft Regulations
PDF (257 KB)